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Erro 401 Unauthorized

Dobrinka Yordanova


I receive Error 401 Unauthorized when trying to connect the Telerik NuGet server. I verified my credentials and they are correct. I also have an active license for the product.


If you receive Error 401 Unauthorized but your credentials are correct and your license includes the requested product and version, the most probable cause are special characters in the password.


Escape the special character in your password, for example, an ampersand (&) or a section character (§).

To solve the issue, use either of the following methods:

  • Change the password so that it doesn't include characters you need to escape.
  • Escape the special characters before storing the credentials. For example, my§uper&P@§§word encodes to my§uper&P@§§word.

Avoid using an online encoder utility for a password. Instead, use a PowerShell command:

Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Web

PowerShell Encoding

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