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Error 401 Login Failed

Dobrinka Yordanova


I receive a 401 Login Failed error when trying to connect to the Telerik NuGet Server.


The credentials used by the NuGet package manager are invalid. This may happen after changing the password for your Telerik account.


Use the Windows Credential Manager to update your credentials:

  1. Close all open Visual Studio instances (this is so that all NuGet package manager tasks are stopped).
  2. Open the Windows Credential Manager app on your PC.
  3. Locate the entry for or, expand it, and select Edit.
  4. Enter the username and password for your Telerik account and then click Save.
    • Use your email address as a username.
    • Escape any special characters.
  5. Confirm that the URL is correct:

    If you still use the old v2 NuGet server, make sure the URL does not have a trailing slash:

  6. Reopen Visual Studio and access the Telerik NuGet server.

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