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Pickers and ComboBoxes in DataGrid CellEditTemplate


Version Product Author
5.1.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI DataGrid Dobrinka Yordanova


The purpose of this how-to article is to show how to define pickers and comboboxes in DataGrid CellEdit Template. For this purpose we will need a helper class with attached property. This class will handle when the binding of the source and selected items to be removed and set.


XAML definition of the RadDataGrid:

<ContentPage xmlns=""

        <DataTemplate x:Key="ComboTemplate">
            <telerik:RadComboBox local:DataGridUtils.EditorBindingItem="{Binding Item}" />

        <telerik:RadDataGrid x:Name="dataGrid"
                             ItemsSource="{Binding Clubs}"
                <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="Name" />
                <telerik:DataGridTextColumn PropertyName="NumRegs" CellEditTemplate="{StaticResource ComboTemplate}" />
                <telerik:DataGridTimeColumn PropertyName="Time" />


The ViewModel used:

public class ViewModel
    private ObservableCollection<Club> clubs;
    public ObservableCollection<Club> Clubs => clubs ?? (clubs = CreateClubs());
    private ObservableCollection<Club> CreateClubs()
        return new ObservableCollection<Club>
            new Club("Text 1", new TimeSpan(3, 28, 33)),
            new Club("Text 2", new TimeSpan(2, 56, 44)),
The DataModel used:
public class Club : NotifyPropertyChangedBase
    private string name;
    private TimeSpan time;
    private string numregs;
    private List<string> comboList;

    public Club(string name, TimeSpan time)
        Name = name;
        Time = time;
        comboList = new List<string>() { "One", "Two" };
        numregs = "One";
    public string Name
        get { return; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref, value); }

    public TimeSpan Time
        get { return this.time; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.time, value); }
    public List<string> ComboList
        get { return this.comboList; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.comboList, value); }
    public string NumRegs
        get { return this.numregs; }
        set { this.UpdateValue(ref this.numregs, value); }
And the helper class called DataGridUtils:
public static class DataGridUtils
    public static readonly BindableProperty EditorBindingItemProperty = BindableProperty.CreateAttached(
        "EditorBindingItem", typeof(object), typeof(DataGridUtils), null, propertyChanged: OnEditorBindingItemChanged);

    public static object GetEditorBindingItem(BindableObject bindable)
        return bindable.GetValue(EditorBindingItemProperty);

    public static void SetEditorBindingItem(BindableObject bindable, object value)
        bindable.SetValue(EditorBindingItemProperty, value);

    private static void OnEditorBindingItemChanged(BindableObject bindable, object oldValue, object newValue)
        if (bindable is RadComboBox radComboBox)
            HandleRadComboBox(radComboBox, newValue);
        else if (bindable is Picker picker)
            HandlePicker(picker, newValue);

    private static void HandleRadComboBox(RadComboBox combo, object newValue)
        //// Clear the SelectedItem binding first, so that it does not become null when we clear the ItemsSource.

        if (newValue is Club club)
            //// Set the ItemsSource binding first, so that when the SelectedItem binding kicks in, there is a valid ItemsSource.
            combo.SetBinding(RadComboBox.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding { Path = nameof(Club.ComboList), Source = club });
            combo.SetBinding(RadComboBox.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding { Path = nameof(Club.NumRegs), Source = club });

    private static void HandlePicker(Picker picker, object newValue)
        //// Clear the SelectedItem binding first, so that it does not become null when we clear the ItemsSource.

        if (newValue is Club club)
            //// Set the ItemsSource binding first, so that when the SelectedItem binding kicks in, there is a valid ItemsSource.
            picker.SetBinding(Picker.ItemsSourceProperty, new Binding { Path = nameof(Club.ComboList), Source = club });
            picker.SetBinding(Picker.SelectedItemProperty, new Binding { Path = nameof(Club.NumRegs), Source = club });
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