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Centering the Popup in .NET MAUI Applications


Version Product Author
9.0.0 Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Popup Dobrinka Yordanova


When using the Telerik UI for MAUI Popup control to display content, such as a calendar, it's essential to ensure the Popup is always centered on the screen, regardless of device or orientation.

This knowledge base article also answers the following questions:

  • How can I center a Popup in my .NET MAUI application?
  • What are the steps to always display a Popup in the center of the screen?
  • Can I position a Telerik MAUI Popup in the center of the page?


To center the Popup on the screen in a .NET MAUI application using the Telerik UI for MAUI Popup control, follow these steps:

  1. Attach the Popup to the page.
  2. Set the Popup's Placement property to Center. This ensures the Popup is displayed in the center of the page/screen.
  3. Optionally, open the Popup on a button click or any other event as required.

Below is an example of how to implement this in a .NET MAUI application using XAML:

<ContentPage xmlns=""

    <!-- Content of the page -->
            <!-- Your page content -->
            <Button Text="Open Popup" Clicked="Button_Clicked" />

    <!-- Attach the Popup to the page -->
        <telerik:RadPopup x:Name="MyPopup" Placement="Center">
            <!-- Your Popup content -->
            <local:PopupContentView />

In this example, replace YourNamespace with your actual namespace, and PopupContentView with the content you want to display in the Popup.

See Also

In this article