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Telerik UI for .NET MAUI Examples Icons

You can choose any of the available Telerik font icons:

Icon Name XAML Code
sort descent  \ue800
star-empty  \ue801
filter  \ue802
sort ascent  \ue803
group  \ue804
star  \ue805
right-dir  \ue806
dots vert  \ue807
menu  \uf008
check  \ue876
cancel  \ue877
dot  \ue80b
dot-3  \ue80c
down-dir  \ue80d
chevron left  \ue80e
configure  \ue80f
search  \ue810
up-dir  \ue811
pattern  \ue812
add  \ue813
right-dir-outlines  \ue814
info  \ue815
down-dir-outlines  \ue816
bin-solid  \ue817
edit  \ue818
copy  \ue819
arrow-up  \ue81a
airplane  \ue81c
pdf  \ue81d
encoding  \ue81e
length  \ue81f
arrow-right  \ue820
contacts  \ue821
cog-outlines  \ue822
type  \ue823
location  \ue83d
link  \ue83e
archive  \ue826
bin  \ue827
draft  \ue828
folder-open  \ue829
folder  \ue82a
group  \ue82b
item  \ue82c
sent  \ue82d
spam  \ue82e
warning  \ue82f
lock  \ue830
thickness  \ue831
car  \ue832
shopping-bag  \ue833
coffee-cup  \ue834
get-money  \ue835
shopping-user  \ue836
group users  \ue837
dashboard  \ue838
first  \ue839
cake  \ue83a
assets  \ue83b
book  \ue83c
assets  \ue846
book  \ue847
cancel  \ue851
design  \ue848
graphics  \ue849
picture  \ue852
font-size  \ue84b
template  \ue84c
wireframes  \ue84d
distance  \ue84e
stopwatch  \ue84f
play  \ue850
code  \ue854
analysis  \ue855
network  \ue856
network  \ue857
bar-chart  \ue858
sap  \ue859
dba  \ue85a
home  \ue85b
temperature  \ue85c
phone  \ue85d
electricity  \ue85e
wifi  \ue85f
distance-horizontal  \ue860
calendar dayview  \ue861
calendar multiday  \ue862
calendar week  \ue863
calendar month  \ue864
calendar year  \ue865
calendar selection single  \ue866
calendar selection multiple  \ue867
calendar selection range  \ue868
gallery  \ue869
camera  \ue86a
crop free  \ue86b
crop original  \ue86c
crop rect  \ue86d
crop circular  \ue86e
badge  \ue86f
notes  \ue870
time  \ue871
calendar agenda  \ue872
arrows  \ue873
video-camera ງ \ue874
check  \ue878
cancel  \ue887
text  \ue853
arrow-down  \ue879
flag  \ue87a
save  \ue87b
share  \ue87c
menu-custom  \ue87d
heart-filled  \ue87e
heart-empty  \ue87f
reorder  \ue881
arrow-box-left  \ue882
arrow-box-right  \ue883
bell  \ue88a
chat  \ue88b
phone  __\ue887
unpin  \ue88e
pin  \ue88f
excel  \ue896
powerpoint  \ue897
word  \ue898
pdf  \ue899
last  \ue89a
expand  \ue89b
expand 2  \ue89c
paint bucket  \ue89d
mail  \ue89e
promotion  \ue89f
scheduled  \ue8a0
label  \ue8a1
drawer  \ue8a2
social  \ue8a3
shipping  \ue8a6
products  \ue8a7
customer  \ue8a8
export  \ue8a9
info-outlines  \ue8ac
contract  \ue8dd
enlarge  \ue8de
translate  \ue8df
emoji  \ue900
brightness  \ue901
flip-vertical  \ue902
flip-horizontal  \ue903
rotate-cw  \ue904
rotate-ccw  \ue905
crop  \ue906
hue  \ue907
link-external  \uf08e
plus-squared  \uf0fe
angle-left  \uf104
angle-right  \uf105
angle-up  \uf106
angle-down  \uf107
spinner  \uf110
arrow-circled-left  \uf137
arrow-circled-right  \uf138
minus-squared  \uf146
minus-squared-alt  \uf147
plus-squared-alt  \uf196

You need to set the Telerik example font icon code on the concrete property to visualize the icon.


This example shows how to add the font icons code to a Label. For this case you need to add the icon code to the Label.Text property and set the FontFamily:

<Label Text="&#xe800;" FontFamily="TelerikFontExamples"/>
var label = new Label
    Text = "\ue800",
    FontFamily = "TelerikFontExamples"

The FontFamily name is the name of the font registered in the MauiProgram.cs file.

See Also

In this article