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.NET MAUI DatePicker Localization

This article summarizes the localization keys supported by the DatePicker control.

For more details about the localization process of Telerik UI for .NET MAUI components, see the article on localization and globalization approaches.

The following image presents the supported localization strings by the DatePicker:

MAUI localization for DatePicker

DatePicker Localization Keys

The following table lists the supported localization keys supported by the DatePicker.

Localization Key Default Value
DatePicker_Popup_HeaderLabelText Select Date
DatePicker_PlaceholderLabelText Select Date

Common Picker Localizations Keys

The following table lists the supported common picker localization keys.

Localization Key Default Value
Picker_DaySpinnerHeaderLabelText Day
Picker_MonthSpinnerHeaderLabelText Month
Picker_YearSpinnerHeaderLabelText Year
Picker_Popup_AcceptButtonText Ok
Picker_Popup_CancelButtonText Cancel
Picker_DropDown_AcceptButtonText Ok
Picker_DropDown_CancelButtonText Cancel

See Also

In this article