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Fluent Mocking

This topic will go through the different ways in which you can set up your test arrangements and assert your test expectations. Fluent Assertions allow you to easily follow the Arrange Act Assert pattern in a straightforward way.

Note that JustMock dynamically checks for any assertion mechanism provided by the underlying test framework if such is available (MSTest, XUnit, NUnit, MbUnit, Silverlight) and uses it, rather than using its own MockAssertionException when a mock assertion fails. This functionality extends the JustMock tooling support for different test runners.

In the following examples we will use this sample interface:

Sample setup

public interface IFileReader 
    string Path { get; set; }     
    void Initialize(); 
Public Interface IFileReader 
    Property Path() As String 
    Sub Initialize() 
End Interface 

Fluent or Explicit Asserts


In order to use the fluent syntax, you must import the Telerik.JustMock.Helpers namespace in your source file.

Example 1: Add Telerik.JustMock.Helpers

using Telerik.JustMock.Helpers; 
Imports Telerik.JustMock.Helpers 

Having defined the IFileReader interface, we now want to create a mock and to check whether certain expectations are fulfilled.

Example 2: Arrange expectations

IFileReader fileReader = Mock.Create<IFileReader>(); 
const string expected = @"C:\JustMock"; 
// Arrange 
fileReader.Arrange( x => x.Path ).Returns( expected ).OccursOnce(); 
fileReader.Arrange(x => x.Initialize()).MustBeCalled(); 
// Act 
var actual = fileReader.Path; 
' Arrange 
Dim fileReader As IFileReader = Mock.Create(Of IFileReader)() 
Const expected As String = "C:\JustMock" 
fileReader.Arrange(Function(x) x.Path).Returns(expected).OccursOnce() 
fileReader.Arrange(Sub(x) x.Initialize()).MustBeCalled() 
' Act 
Dim actual = fileReader.Path 

The code from Example 2 defines that the Path property should be called exactly one time. This is achieved using the OccursOnce method. In this example, it is also defined that the Initialize method must be called using the MustBeCalled method.

Note that there is no difference between using fileReader.Arrange and Mock.Arrange. The first way is the fluent way of making arrangements but both ways are valid for defining your Arrange clauses.

Let's assert our expectations.

Example 3: Assert expectations

Assert.AreEqual( expected, actual ); // explicit assert 
fileReader.Assert( x => x.Path ); // fluent assert 
Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual) ' explicit 
fileReader.Assert(Function(x) x.Path) ' fluent 

When you use the most general call - fileReader.Assert(), JustMock will actually assert all the setup arrangements marked with either MustBeCalled or Occurs. Note that, if there are tests that don’t have these modifiers, then you still have to assert them using the explicit assert.

The first explicit assert in Example 3 calls the fileReader.Path property one time and asserts that its value is equal to the expected value.

There is a slight difference between the two lines in Example 3:

  • fileReader.Assert( x => x.Path ) checks only the arrangements defined for the fileReader.Path property. In our example, JustMock will verify that the Path property has been called exactly one time.

  • fileReader.Assert() checks all the arrangements defined for the instance. In our example, JustMock will verify that the Path property has been called exactly one time and that the Initialize method has also been called.


Note that, when you use Fluent Asserts, only arrangements marked with either MustBeCalled or Occurs will be verified. For other tests, you have to use the explicit assert.

See Also

In this article