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Mock Properties

Mocking properties is similar to mocking methods, but there are a few cases that need special attention like mocking indexers and particular set operations.

To illustrate the usage of the functionality, we will be using the following interface definition:

Sample setup

public interface IFoo 
    int Value{get; set;} 

Property Getter

The property get can be mocked like any other method call. You can arrange a return statement for a specific call (using Returns), throw an exception (using Throws), raise an event when invoked (using Raise), etc.

Let's consider the following example:

Example 1: Arrange the return value of a getter

public void ShouldFakePropertyGet() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(); 
    Mock.Arrange(() => foo.Value).Returns(25); 
    // Act 
    var actual = foo.Value; 
    // Assert 
    Assert.AreEqual(25, actual); 

Here we test that a call to foo.Value property returns the value we arranged.

Property Setter

The set operation can be mocked for both indexers and normal properties. Set operations are mocked using a special set entry point which is Mock.ArrangeSet(lambda).

Property set mocking is useful when you want to make sure or to verify that a particular property is set with an expected value. For this reason, we use a strict mocking.

Example 2: Mock setter when mocking behavior is Strict

public void ShouldThrowExceptionOnTheThirdPropertySetCall() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(Behavior.Strict); 
    Mock.ArrangeSet(() => foo.Value = Arg.Matches<int>(x => x > 3)); 
    // Act 
    foo.Value = 4; 
    foo.Value = 5; 
    // throws MockException because matching criteria is not met 
    foo.Value = 3; 

With the Arg.Matches<int> matcher, we set a requirement that the foo.Value property should have values larger than 3. When we set the value to a number less than 3, a MockException is thrown.

For more details on how to work with arguments and matchers, check the Matchers help topic.

For asserting a property set in case of loose mocking, the following syntax is available: Mock.AssertSet(lambda).

Accordingly, we can do:

Example 3: Mock setter when mocking behavior is Loose

public void ShouldAssertPropertySet() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IFoo>(); 
    Mock.ArrangeSet(() => foo.Value = 1); 
    // Act 
    foo.Value = 1; 
    // Assert 
    Mock.AssertSet(() => foo.Value = 1); 

Here we make sure foo.Value was actually set to 1.

Refer to Do Instead for an example that shows how to use DoInstead on property set.


Indexers are special kind of properties that enable objects to be indexed in a similar manner to arrays.

Consider an interface with an indexer property.

Sample setup

public interface IIndexedFoo 
    string this[int key] { get; set; } 

Example 4 shows how you can control the return value of an indexer property getter.

Example 4: Return different values for different indexes

// Create mock 
var indexedFoo = Mock.Create<IIndexedFoo>(); 
// Arrange that a call to index 0 should return ping, a call to index 1 should return pong. 
Mock.Arrange(() => indexedFoo[0]).Returns("ping"); 
Mock.Arrange(() => indexedFoo[1]).Returns("pong"); 
// Act 
string actualFirst = indexedFoo[0]; 
string actualSec = indexedFoo[1]; 
// Assert 
Assert.AreEqual("ping", actualFirst); 
Assert.AreEqual("pong", actualSec); 

Assert Indexer Set

Make sure that a specific index is set to a particular value.

Example 5: Arrange indexer setter

public void ShouldThrowExceptionForNotArrangedPropertySet() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IIndexedFoo>(Behavior.Strict); 
    // foo[0] can be only set to "foo". 
    Mock.ArrangeSet(() => { foo[0] = "foo"; }); 
    // Act 
    foo[0] = "foo"; 
    // The following line does not satisfy the arranged criteria and throws a StrictMockException. 
    foo[0] = "bar"; 

The code above throws an exception once the zero-indexed item of foo is set to a value different than the expected one - i.e. foo.

Assert Indexer Set with Matching Criteria

Make sure that a specific index is set to a value matching a particular criteria.

Example 6: Arrange indexer setter using matchers

public void ShouldAssertIndexedSetWithMatcher() 
    // Arrange 
    var foo = Mock.Create<IIndexedFoo>(Behavior.Strict); 
    // foo[0] can be only set to "ping". 
    Mock.ArrangeSet(() => { foo[0] = Arg.Matches<string>(x => x.Equals("ping")); }); 
    // foo[1] can be only set to any string. 
    Mock.ArrangeSet(() => { foo[1] = Arg.IsAny<string>(); }); 
    // Act 
    foo[0] = "ping"; 
    foo[1] = "pong"; 
    // The following line does not satisfy the matching criteria and throws a MockException. 
    foo[0] = "bar"; 

The first two set calls satisfy the requirements. However, the third call - foo[0] = "bar" throws an exception, because we arranged that the zero-indexed item can be set only to "foo".