2024.3.802 (2024 Q3)
- Introduced support for annotations of type StrikeOut.
- Introduced support for annotations of type Stamp.
- Introduced support for annotations of type Popup.
- Introduced support for annotations of type Text.
- Introduced support for annotations of type Highlight.
- Introduced SVG to FormSource conversion.
- Introduced support for annotations of type Line.
- Added SVG element in a RadFixedPage so that it can be exported to PDF via the RadPdfProcessing library.
- Handle documents with mismatched font Subtype and FontFile type.
- Introduced support for Strikethrough text property.
- Introduced support for Dotted, Dashed, and DashSmallGap borders.
- Added System.Formats.Asn1 to address CVE-2024-38095 (CVSS 7.5) in System.Security.Cryptography.Pcks.
- Some documents are not displayed correctly when changing the culture to Right to Left in the .NET 5 or later project.
- An invalid annotation position leads to missing content.
- SkiaImageFormatProvider: Text is exported with a wrong position.
- SkiaImageFormatProvider: Darker and lower quality image export on macOS.
- An InvalidCastException is thrown when importing a PDF document with embedded files.
- The page content is broken when exporting a document and inversing a non-invertible concat matrix.
- The text is not displayed when CFF Private DICT has leading zeroes.
- Missing text content is caused by a handled OverflowException while parsing Type1 font file.
- Introduced support for SVG images.
- Handle importing and reading cached formula value when the formula contains external references.
- An InvalidOperationException is thrown when importing a specific document.
- Incorrect calculation of UsedCellRange when conditional formatting is applied to a large cell range.
- A FormatException is thrown when getting the formatted cell value as a string using the H format.
- CellValueFormat comes out incorrect on export when it contains a specific sequence.
- An ArgumentNullException is thrown when importing documents containing comments with no DateTime.
- Wrong sheet name appears in the exception message when adding sheet with an already existing name.
- Introduced support for SVG images.
- Introduced support for exporting text with a strikethrough to PDF.
- A NullReferenceException is thrown when exporting a document with a field spanning multiple paragraphs inside a list to PDF.
- PageField does not respect StartingPageNumber.
- RtfFormatProvider: Indentation for bullets and numbering changes on export.
- Inserting a Content Control in some cases is not added to the model.
- Import from HTML doesn't apply style from class names in CSS.
- A FileNotFoundException is thrown when using HtmlFormatProvider.Import.
- DocFormatProvider: EndOfStreamException when importing a document with a specific image.
- Replace doesn't match the text when it contains a BookmarkRangeStart/End objects.
- The numbered list marker font is not properly exported to PDF.
- List indent is not correct when exported to PDF.
- Incorrect calculation of indentation occurs when a paragraph in the list has applied local indent, and the list style defines indent.
- The hanging indent is not respected when exporting paragraphs with tabs to PDF.