New to Telerik Document Processing? Download free 30-day trial

2024.2.426 (2024 Q2)

What's New


  • The minimum supported .NET Framework version for Document Processing Libraries is now 4.6.2.



  • Document Processing Libraries Versions built against .Net Framework 4.0 and NetCore 3.1 are now removed.



  • Exposed an option to plug logic for embedding a subset of a registered font for frameworks different from .NET Framework.
  • Introduced support for OTF font file format.
  • Handle documents containing invalidly located clipping path operators.
  • Handle documents with invalid structure of path construction operators.


  • Text rendering is not correct in scenarios with negative font and/or negative horizontal scaling.
  • A NotSupportedCompressionMethodException with the message - Cannot decode stream with a not supported compression method.
  • Incorrect characters are displayed when merging multiple PDF documents with the RadFixedDocument.Merge method.
  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when exporting a document with CFF Type1 font.
  • Import-export causes missing characters with specific document.
  • An InvalidOperationException is thrown when exporting font that is available but not used.
  • The read-only flag is not respected when importing a document.
  • A dictionary with invalid entry cannot be imported correctly and breaks the import process.
  • The Form field height is wrong after export with a specific document..
  • Wrong character widths when merging documents with exactly the same font but different character widths.



  • Introduces Description property for FloatingShapeBase.



  • The application is stuck when importing the last row of a worksheet which has a property set but has no cells.



  • A NullReferenceException is thrown when a Hyperlink is placed before a MailMerge group.
  • Image in Header or Footer with IsBehindDocument set to True is rendered on top of the text.



  • Cannot open newly added files to a password-protected zip archive.

Visual Studio Code Extension


  • Added Document Processing Libraries Configuration Wizard for Telerik UI for Blazor and Telerik UI for ASP.NET Core.
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