2024.4.1106 (Q4 2024)
What's New
- PDF Processing: Introduced support for JavaScript actions.
- PDF Processing: Introduced support for ligatures.
- WordsProcessing: Introduced support for Justify text alignment.
What's Changed
- Document Processing Libraries: Remediated CVE-2024-8049 - Timeout Mechanism for importing and exporting documents was introduced.
- Introduced support for Matte color for Soft-Mask Images (SMasks).
- Introduced support for creating documents using CMYK colors.
- Introduced support for JavaScript actions API.
- SkiaImageFormatProvider: Introduced support for Text, TextMarkup, Line, and Stamp annotations.
- Respect the ExtGState`s current stroking alpha constant (CA & ca) when rendering images.
- Introduced support for ligatures.
- Introduced handling the import of documents with the wrong type of action key.
- Introduced support for Trigger Events API related to JS actions.
- Introduced API for setting Image opacity.
- Introduced support for RTL (Right-To-Left) text.
- Introduced Soft-Mask Dictionaries in ExtGState object.
- Implemented Blend Mode parameter of ExtGState object.
- Introduced support for Trigger Events.
- Justified text is now supported.
- Introduced support for Transparency Group XObjects.
- An InvalidOperationException is thrown while parsing the Post table of a specific font file on export.
- Wrong colors are exported in Separation colorspaces with ICCBased containing LabColor due to incorrect calculations in Tint transformation function.
- Win32Exception is thrown during a long-running process importing many documents with images.
- An unexpected trace warning when SVG document does not contain clipping.
- Distorted SVG after exporting.
- SkiaImageFormatProvider: Export to image is blocked when Export method is used instead of ExportAsync.
- A NullReferenceException is thrown when writing image content with the PdfPageStreamWriter.
- ArgumentNullException is thrown when resolving DecodeParms collection in Image XObject.
- Form XObject does not takes graphic state color from its content stream context.
- Document text overlaps and is not possible to read for a specific document.
- Decreased performance when loading thumbnails.
- Wrong color appears when the Separation color space with name is set to None.
- Watermark transparency is not imported correctly.
- The Form object does no inherit the graphics state of the page.
- RTL (right-to-left) text is reversed when inserting it directly to a document.
- Exporting a workbook with two or more charts with axes produces an invalid document.
- Built-in number formats are not reevaluated after changing the culture.
- Introduced support for importing files with absolute relationship targets.
- Cell iteration is interrupted when it hits a cell containing an error.
- Introduced support for Justify text alignment.
- RtfFormatProvider: Heading color is not properly exported.
- An InvalidOperationException is thrown when exporting a document containing table with no cells.
- DocFormatProvider: IndexOutOfRangeException is thrown when importing a specific document with defined section columns.
- ArgumentException is thrown during MailMerge of a document with an inline shape.
- An invalid content appears after updating an empty password-protected archive.