TableCell element is a BlockContainer element and defines a cell of content within a Table. It contains Block elements such as Paragraph and Table.
Inserting a TableCell
You can use the code snippet from Example 1 to create a TableCell and add it in a TableRow.
Example 1: Create a TableCell object and add it to a TableRow
To create a TableCell and add it in the document tree in the same time, you can use the AddTableCell() method.
Example 2: Create a TableCell and add it to a TableRow in the same time
Modifying a TableCell
The TableCell element exposes several properties that allow you to customize its layout. A part of these properties are Style properties and some of the values represent a themable object.
Style properties are properties that can be inherited from a style. For more information about styles see this article.
Themable objects are objects that can be inherited from a theme. For more information about themes check this article.
Properties: Retrieves all TableCellProperties. For more information read this article.
Row: Represents the parent TableRow of the cell.
Table: Represents the parent Table of the cell.
Borders: Specifies the borders of the cell. This is a Style property.
Shading: Represents the shading applied to the cell. It is a composite object and is read-only. You can obtain the following properties from it:
BackgroundColor: Specifies the background color for the shading. This is a Style property. The value is themable object.
PatternColor: Specifies the pattern color for the shading. This is a Style property. The value is themable object.
Pattern: Specifies the pattern which is used to lay the pattern color over the background color for the shading. This is a Style property.
Padding: Specifies the padding of the cell. This is a Style property.
ColumnSpan: Indicates the total number of columns that the TableCell spans within a TableRow. This property cannot be derived from a style.
RowSpan: Specifies the total number of rows that the TableCell spans within a Table. This property cannot be derived from a style.
IgnoreCellMarkerInRowHeightCalculation: Specifies whether cell marker is ignored when row height is calculated. This property cannot be derived from a style.
CanWrapContent: Specifies whether the content can be wrapped during the table layout. This property cannot be derived from a style.
PreferredWidth: Specifies the preferred width of the cell. This property cannot be derived from a style.
VerticalAlignment: Specifies the vertical alignment of the cell's content. This property cannot be derived from a style.
TextDirection: Specifies the direction of the text in the cell. It could have one of the values of the TextDirection enumeration. This property cannot be derived from a style.
GridColumnIndex: Represents the column index of the cell in the table grid.
GridRowIndex: Represents the row index of the cell in the table grid.
Border border = new Border(1, BorderStyle.Single, new ThemableColor(Colors.Blue)); cell.Borders = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Flow.Model.Styles.TableCellBorders(border, border, border, border); cell.Shading.BackgroundColor = new ThemableColor(Colors.Red); cell.Padding = new Telerik.Windows.Documents.Primitives.Padding(20,20,20,20); cell.VerticalAlignment = VerticalAlignment.Bottom; cell.TextDirection = TextDirection.LeftToRightTopToBottom;
Operating with a TableCell
Add a Paragraph to a TableCell
Example 3 demonstrates how to add a Paragraph to a TableCell.
Example 3: Add a paragraph to a TableCell
Through the BlockCollection property of the TableCell element you can add a Table or any other BlockBase element.