Available for: UI for Blazor | UI for Xamarin | UI for WinUI | UI for ASP.NET Core | UI for .NET MAUI

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Cross-Platform Support

Telerik Document Processing comes with .NET Core & .NET Standard support. There is a set of binaries built against the .NET Core & .NET Standard which you can reference in an application.

The binaries compatible with .NET Standard are distributed with the packages targeting .NET Standard and .NET Core. You can get the assemblies through the UI for ASP.NET Core, UI for Blazor, UI for Xamarin, and UI for WinUI suites. There are NuGet packages as well that you can access if you have a license for one of the above mentioned suites.

Assembly References

To use the model of the RadWordsProcessing library in your cross-platform project, you need to add references to the following .Net Standard assemblies:

.NET Standard-compatible Additional information
Telerik.Zip.dll Required when working with DOCX, DOC, DOT or PDF.
Telerik.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Doc.dll Required when importing from DOC or DOT files.
Telerik.Documents.Flow.FormatProviders.Pdf.dll Required when exporting to PDF.
Telerik.Documents.Fixed.dll Required when exporting to PDF.
This assembly is not available in UI for Xamarin.
Required when exporting to PDF format a document containing images different than Jpeg and Jpeg2000 or ImageQuality different than High.

The Telerik.Documents.ImageUtils.dll assembly depends on SkiaSharp. To use this assembly, you will need to add a reference to SkiaSharp. With the R2 2023 changes SkiaSharp replaced ImageSharp as the required dependency.

Note that for .NET Framework & .NET Core with Windows Compatibility Pack projects, the references contain "Windows" in their names (e.g. Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core.dll)

Limitations in .Net Standard

Additional settings required

Some functionalities require additional settings:

  • To export to PDF format documents containing fonts different than the Standard Fonts, the FontsProvider property inside the FixedExtensibilityManager has to be set. For more information check the FixedExtensibilityManager in the PdfProcessing`s Cross-Platform Support.
  • To export to PDF format documents containing images different than Jpeg and Jpeg2000 or ImageQuality different than High, the JpegImageConverter property inside the FixedExtensibilityManager has to be set. For more information check the FixedExtensibilityManager in the PdfProcessing`s Cross-Platform Support.

Limitations in Windows Server

Additional settings required

When importing HTML with images that are not included in the file and need to be loaded: