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Default Actions

The RadChat control has a support for default suggested actions which are rendered inside a Suggested Actions Pane. A Suggested Action is a button that the user can tap/click to provide input. That is why they can be also called Quick Actions.

Unlike buttons that appear within rich cards (which remain visible and accessible to the user even after being tapped), buttons that appear within the suggested actions pane will disappear after the user makes a selection. This prevents the user from tapping stale buttons within a conversation and simplifies bot development (since you will not need to account for that scenario).

To display the suggestedActions propmt, you need to call the renderSuggestedActions method of the control.

Once the user clicks on an option, the OnActionClick event is fired and the OnPost event.

Figure 1: A Chat with suggested actions.

chat with suggested actions

<telerik:RadChat runat="server" ID="RadChat1" Width="350px" Height="300px">
    <ClientEvents OnLoad="OnLoad" OnActionClick="OnActionClick" />
var chatBot = { id: 1, name: "SchedulerBot", iconUrl: "avatar.png" };

function OnLoad(sender) {
    var chat = sender;

    chat.renderMessage({ text: "Hello!" }, chatBot);
    chat.renderMessage({ text: "Please, select an option:" }, chatBot);

        title: "Option 1",
        value: "Value 1"
    }, {
        title: "Option 2",
        value: "Value 2"
    }], chatBot);

function OnActionClick(sender, args) {
    var optionValue = args.get_text();
    // setTimeout needed so that the message is rendered after the clicked option is rendered
    setTimeout(function () {
        sender.renderMessage({ text: 'You have selected "' + optionValue + '"' }, chatBot);

See Also

In this article