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Filter Fields

You can define different Fields settings. For example, names, labels, and filter operators.

FilterField Parameters

The following parameters enable you to customize the appearance of the Blazor Filter Fields:

Parameter Type Description
DefaultFilterOperator FilterOperator Sets the default filter operator for the Field. Accepts a member of the FilterOperator enum. The selected operator must be applicable for the specific data type. Check the supported options in the Filter Operators article.
Label string Specifies the string displayed for the given field.
Name string Specifies the field to be used when filtering.
Operators IEnumerable<FilterListOperator> Specifies the available filter operators. If not defined, the component will use a default list of available operators based on the field type.
Type Type Specifies the field type. This will determine the filter value editor.
ValueTemplate RenderFragment<FilterFieldValueTemplateContext> Use to override the default rendering of the filter field value.
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