Blazor Filter Overview

The Blazor Filter component serves as a complementary addition to data-bound components that do not have built-in filtering.

The component gives a unified way to build filter descriptors using its fields. You can also define different operators and use these filter descriptors to filter data.

Telerik UI for Blazor Ninja image

The Filter component is part of Telerik UI for Blazor, a professional grade UI library with 110+ native components for building modern and feature-rich applications. To try it out sign up for a free 30-day trial.

Creating Blazor Filter

  1. Use the TelerikFilter tag to add the component to your razor page.
  2. Set the Value parameter via one-way or two-way binding.
  3. Add the FilterField tag, a child tag of the FilterFields.
  4. Set the Name and Type properties.

A basic configuration of the Telerik Filter.

@* This code snippet showcases an example of a basic Filter configuration. *@

@using Telerik.DataSource

<TelerikFilter @ref="FilterRef" @bind-Value="@Value">
        <FilterField Name="@(nameof(Person.EmployeeId))" Type="@(typeof(int))" Label="Id"></FilterField>
        <FilterField Name="@(nameof(Person.Name))" Type="@(typeof(string))" Label="First Name"></FilterField>
        <FilterField Name="@(nameof(Person.AgeInYears))" Type="@(typeof(int))" Label="Age"></FilterField>

@code {
    TelerikFilter FilterRef { get; set; }
    public CompositeFilterDescriptor Value { get; set; } = new CompositeFilterDescriptor();

    public class Person
        public int EmployeeId { get; set; }

        public string Name { get; set; }

        public int AgeInYears { get; set; }


The fields are responsible for setting up the Filter information. Read more about the supported Blazor Filter fields...


The Blazor Filter provides parameters that allow you to configure the component:

Parameter Type Description
Class string The class that will be rendered on the outermost element.
Value CompositeFilterDescriptor Sets the value of the filter component.


The Blazor Filter generates events that you can handle and further customize its behavior. Read more about the Blazor Filter events....

Next Steps

Configure the Filter Fields

Using the Filter Events

See Also

In this article