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How to Set a Custom Edge Chromium Profile

Test Studio allows you to create a custom profile in Edge Chromium browser, which remains in use only when running tests from Test Studio.

Follow the below steps to create and calibrate a custom profile.

1.  Start the Windows Registry Editor. You can type Registry Editor in the Start menu or use the Run... option and type regedit.exe.

2.  Navigate to node HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Telerik\TestStudio

3.  Create a key of type String and name it EdgeChromiumProfileName

4.  Modify the value of that key and set a new profile name - testingProfile, for example.

Custom Edge Profile

5.  Start a Test Studio project and open a web test. Trigger a recording session choosing the Edge Chromium browser, but uncheck the checkbox for browser calibration for this first run - it is only required to actually create the new profile.

6.  Once the browser starts you see the Test Studio screen reporting "Waiting for extension 30 sec...". The extension is not installed in this profile of the browser, so after the 30 seconds timeout, you get a link to the extension - open it and add the Progress Telerik Test Studio extension.

7.  Stop that first recording session by closing the browser instance.

8.  Open the browser calibration window and now calibrate the Edge Chromium browser.

9.  As long as that registry key exists, Test Studio will use it to start the Edge Chromium browser for running and recording tests.

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