Remote Load Test Execution
One of the main goals of load testing is to run a great amount of web requests against a web server. Usually this cannot be achieved efficiently if using a single machine. To perform a real load on an application server it is necessary to use as many physical machines as possible. For such load testing scenario the following conditions need to be present:
- A Run-Time version installed on each execution machine.
- Scheduling and storage server installed and configured on one of the machines in the setup.
- All execution clients have to be connected to the scheduling server machine.
- Sufficient amount of users allocated on the machine which acts as a scheduling server.
Running the tests
- Create a test list that contains a load test to be executed.
- Assign sufficient amount of virtual users to the machine which acts as a scheduling server. The virtual users amount should correspond to the execution machines which will be used and their CPU units amount. Approximately 8 users per CPU unit seems to be sufficient to have a realistic load testing results. If a lot more users are allocated, there might be HTTP requests queued up, due to overload of the execution machine CPU.
- Schedule the test list to be executed using the option 'Distribute tests among the selected machines'.