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Local data binding

open the Step Properties pane.

  1. The Bindings property is the first in the list. Click the three dots button on the right to open the step fields that you can bind to data.



    Depending on the project layout you are using, the Properties pane can have a different location within your project.

    The Enter text step allows only its Text field to be data driven and, thus, this is the only one listed.

  2. Click on the drop-down next to the Text field to expand the data source columns list. In this scenario a single column is in the list - the productName, so select this one.


  3. Click the Set button to confirm the selection and close the Properties pane.



    See How to bind a step to a data source column for more information.

  4. Apply the same sequence of steps for the wait step. We add a wait step to verify that the search action is completed successfully. Note that the field that you need to bind in the wait step properties is TextToMatch.


External data source binding

  1. Click on the Enter text step (number 3. for the current scenario) and open the Step Properties pane.

  2. The Bindings property is the first in the list. Click the three dots button on the right to open the step fields that you can bind to data.



    Depending on the project layout you are using, the Properties pane can have a different location within your project.

    The Enter text step allows only its Text field to be data driven and this is the only one listed.

  3. Click on the drop-down next to the Text field to expand the data source columns list. In this scenario a single column is in the list - the productName, so select this one.


  4. Click on the Set button to confirm the selection and close the Properties pane.



    See How to bind a step to a data source column for more information.

  5. Apply the same sequence of steps for the wait step. We add a wait step to verify that the search action is completed successfully. Note that the field that you need to bind in the wait step properties is TextToMatch.


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