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ServiceStack Implementation Overview

The ServiceStack implementation of the Telerik Reporting REST Service is a REST full web service built upon the ServiceStack framework.

In order to utilize the service, you have to create a new class that inherits from the abstract ReportsHostBase class. The ReportsHostBase class contains one important property needed by the reporting engine: ReportServiceConfiguration.

The service can be hosted on IIS or self-hosted.

As Telerik Reporting ServiceStack REST service is a pure HTTP web service it can be accessed with any HTTP-capable client. For example, you can create one of the following clients in order to utilize the service:

  • JavaScript client
  • C# client
  • Silverlight client

The service can be used from the HTML5 Report Viewer, Windows Forms ReportViewer and WPF ReportViewer as well.

The current ServiceStack implementation is based on ServiceStack V3 (

The Telerik Reporting ServiceStack REST Service should be the only ServiceStack-based Web Service in a project, as all ServiceStack services have a single AppHost per AppDomain.

See Also

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