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Parameter Overview

Represents a report parameter with its value and settings.

    "name": "p2",
    "id": "p2",
    "type": "System.String",
    "text": "Please input p2",
    "multivalue": false,
    "allowNull": false,
    "allowBlank": false,
    "isVisible": true,
    "autoRefresh": false,
    "hasChildParameters": false,
    "childParameters": ["p2"],
    "availableValues": [
            {"name": "Sofia", "value": "Sofia"}
            {"name": "Berlin", "value": "Berlin"}
    "value": "Sofia"
    "label": "Sofia",


Field Type Required Description
name String true The name of the report parameter
id String true Parameter identifier
type String true A string representing the type of the report parameter
text String true The prompt text that will be displayed for the parameter
multivalue Boolean true Specifies whether the parameter value is an Array of values or a single value
allowNull Boolean true Specifies whether a value for the parameter is required or optional
allowBlank Boolean true Specifies whether an empty string is a valid parameter value. Applicable for parameter of type string only
isVisible Boolean true Specifies whether the parameter should be displayed in the viewer
autoRefresh Boolean true Specifies whether changes of the parameter value should trigger a report refresh
hasChildParameters Boolean true Specifies whether the current parameter has other parameters depending on it
childParameters Array false Specifies the child parameters IDs. Contains String objects
availableValues Array false Parameter values to choose from. ContainsParameterValueobjects
value Array / Boolean / Date / Number / String true The value of the parameter. Its type should match the type in the definition. If multivalue is set to true it must be an Array
label String true Specifies the label of the parameter. If availableValues are set, the label value is replaced by the name of the currently selected ParameterValue
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