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Get Document Page Overview


GET /api/reports/clients/{clientId}/instances/{instanceId}/documents/{documentId}/pages/{pageNumber}

Path parameters

Name Type Description
clientId String ID of the service client. Returned from Register Client.
instanceId String ID of the report instance. Returned from Resolve Report Instance.
documentId String ID of the report document. Returned from Resolve Document.
pageNumber Number An integer representing the number of the requested page.


HTTP Status Code Description
202 Accepted Page is not ready.
200 OK Page is ready and its content is retrieved.
410 Gone The specified clientId cannot be found (expired).
404 Not Found The specified instanceId or documentId or pageNumber cannot be found.

Response Body

PageInfo - a single page content.


  • Request

    GET /api/reports/clients/2c3d/instances/4d3c/documents/5x3a/pages/1 HTTP/1.1
  • Response

    HTTP/1.1 202 Accepted
        "pageReady": false,
        "pageNumber": 1
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