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Native Angular Report Viewer Overview

The current Native Angular Report Viewer version is 22.24.709 and should be used with Reporting REST Service or Telerik Report Server

The Native Angular Report Viewer is a native Angular component built with Kendo UI for Angular components. It was introduced with Telerik Reporting R3 2023.

The preview of the demo report 'Report Catalog' in the Native Angular Report Viewer in the Microsoft Edge browser

Toolbar Actions

Icon Purpose
Navigate Backward
Navigate Forward
Stops Report Rendering
Refreshes the Report Viewer
Returns the Report to the first page
Goes to the previous page
Goes to the next page
Navigates to the last page of the report
Sets `interactive` viewmode
Sets `printPreview` viewmode
Opens the browser's Print Dialog
Opens the Export Dropdown
Zooms in the Report
Zooms out the Report
Open the Search Dialog
Show/hide the Document Map
Show/hide the Parameters Area

Missing Features

The currently released version of the Native Angular Report Viewer component is missing the following functionalities:

  • Accessiblity
  • Localization
  • Send Email Dialog
  • Toolbar Reordering/Customization
  • Tooltips Customization
  • Parameter Editors Customization
  • Parameters Area Repositioning

The above functionalities will be implemented in future releases of the Native Angular Report Viewer and are already available in the wrapper Angular Report Viewer component.


A complete example with the native Angular Report Viewer can be found in the installation folder of Telerik Reporting: C:\Program Files (x86)\Progress\Telerik Reporting 2024 Q2\Examples\Angular\native-angular-report-viewer-example.

See Also

In this article