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WebServiceDataSource Wizard Overview

The WebServiceDataSource Wizard allows you to create a new or edit an existing WebServiceDataSource component in the Telerik Web Report Designer.

Configure Data Retrieval

This is the first step of the wizard. Here, setup the properties of the HTTP request which will retrieve data from the web service:

An image of the first step of the WebServiceDataSource Wizard in the Telerik Web Report Designer

Setting Description
Service URL The URL the request is sent to. Returns the data from the web service. Required.
Authentication Type The authentication type. We support Basic and 2-step authentications.
Encoding Data encoding. Default is UTF-8.
Method HTTP request method. GET and POST are the supported methods.
Body The body of the POST method. Applicable only for POST HTTP request method.
Data Selector The JSONPath expression string which will be used to query the data. For more information please refer to How to Use JSONPath to filter JSON data.

Configure Request Parameters

In the second step of the wizard, the name, type, default value or expression, and design time value for data source parameters can be specified. The supported types for those parameters are Query, Header, Cookie, and Inline.

An image of the second step of the WebServiceDataSource Wizard in the Telerik Web Report Designer

Configure Basic Authentication

This step is skipped unless Basic authentication is chosen in the first step of the wizard.

In the third step of the wizard, the account credentials for basic authentication can be entered.

An image of the third step of the WebServiceDataSource Wizard in the Telerik Web Report Designer

Setting Description
Username The username used to authenticate. Required.
Password The password used to authenticate.

Configure 2-Step Authentication

This step is skipped unless 2-Step authentication is chosen in the first step of the wizard.

In the fourth step of the wizard step, the necesary settings for the WebServiceDataSource component to complete the 2-step (Bearer) authentication can be set. The following OAuth 2.0 authorization mechanisms are supported out-of-the-box:

An image of the fourth step of the WebServiceDataSource Wizard in the Telerik Web Report Designer

Setting Description
Login URL This URL returns the authentication token or session key that allows you to access the API. Required.
Username The username used to authenticate. The username and password are needed only when the Login URL uses Basic Authentication to retrieve the authentication token/key.
Password The password used to authenticate.
Response Specifies the type of the expected response from the Login URL. JSON and plain text are supported.
Login Method Specifies the HTTP request method to be used.
Token Path This is a regular expression that allows to retrieve the authentication or session key from the response received via the Login URL. For example, when the Login URL returns a JSON response containing the authentication token in the form: {"access_token":"cbm9W3MeTeVPuO5CIq_DTvG5KbzydpRQ","token_type":"bearer","expires_in":1799,"userName":"demouser",".issued":"Tue, 15 May 2018 08:42:32 GMT",".expires":"Tue, 15 May 2018 09:12:32 GMT"} the token path regular expression to retrieve the token would be: (?:"access_token":")(.?)(?:")*
Logout URL This URL is called if the resource features a lockout for having too many sessions open. Refresh the report and try again after successfully logging out.
Logout Method Specifies the HTTP request method used for the Logout URL.
Body The body of the login HTTP request. Applicable only for POST HTTP request method.

Configure Authentication Parameters

This step is skipped unless 2-Step authentication is chosen in the first step of the wizard.

In the fifth step of the wizard, the parameters of the HTTPrequest for authentication can be applied. The supported types are Query, Header, Cookie and Inline.

An image of the fifth step of the WebServiceDataSource Wizard in the Telerik Web Report Designer

Choose Design-Time Data

In the sixth step of the wizard can be chosen whether the real data retrieved by making a request to the specified URL should be used, sample data from a .JSON file or an inline JSON string.

An image of the sixth step of the WebServiceDataSource Wizard in the Telerik Web Report Designer

Preview Data Source Results

In the last step of the wizard, if the configurations on the previous steps were correct, the Web Report Designer will make a request with the given settings and if successful will then display the returned JSON as a string in the wizard window.

An image of the last step of the WebServiceDataSource Wizard in the Telerik Web Report Designer

See Also

In this article