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Using Multivalue Parameters

A multivalue parameter allows the user to select more than one value for the parameter from a list of available values. When you define a list of available values for a multivalue parameter, a <select all> option is automatically added to the list of values in the report parameter editor. You can use this option to select and clear all values in the list. The expression for a multivalue parameter does not differ from the expression for a single value parameter i.e., the expression begins with the Parameters keyword. For example, a parameter named VendorSelect appears as Parameters.VendorSelect.Value in the expression editor. For more information, see Using Report Parameters in Expressions.

To specify that a report parameter would accept multiple values, set the MultiValue property of the parameter to True. You can set any parameter type to multivalue except Boolean. The primary use of multivalue parameters is to allow for query restriction clauses based on a set of values.

Writing Queries for Multivalue Report Parameters

If you want to pass multiple parameter values back to a data source by using a query, the following requirements must be satisfied:

  • The data source must be supported. For a list see SqlDataSource Component
  • The data source cannot be a stored procedure. Telerik Reporting does not support passing a multivalue parameter array to a stored procedure.
  • Use an IN clause in the query to specify the parameter.

The Data Source Components are based on ADO.NET and ADO.NET does not allow a collection of values to be passed. The SqlDataSource Component however supports parametrized SQL queries by associating the report parameters with placeholders in the SelectCommand query. Parameter values can be evaluated with any expression which conforms to the common expression syntax supported by the reporting engine. This grants a great deal of flexibility to how the SQL queries are supplied with parameters.

The example below shows the use of the IN keyword in the WHERE clause of a T-SQL statement. For more information about the IN keyword or the results returned by this query, see IN (Transact-SQL).

SELECT ProductID, Name, Color
FROM Production.Product
WHERE ProductID IN (@ProductID)

To test the approach in a report, add SqlDataSource Component using this query. Create a new report parameter and set it as the value for the @ProductID_ data source parameter. Set its MultiValue and Visible properties to True, and its Type property to Integer. Using the AvailableValues properties, configure the DataSource for the parameter to a new SqlDataSource Component with the following query:

SELECT ProductID, Name
FROM Production.Product

Set the ValueMember property to = Fields.ProductID and the DisplayMember property to = Fields.Name. Run the report and select different values for the report parameter in order to show a particular selection of data rows based on the selected report parameter values.

The report engine rewrites queries for data sources that cannot process parameters as an array. The rewrite logic is triggered when a parameter is defined as multivalue and the database query uses an IN statement to specify the parameter.

Specifying Default Values for a MultiValue Parameter

It is possible to specify default values for a multivalue parameter using the parameter's Value property. The default values can be set to one of the following options:

  • Blank - when the parameter's Value property is left blank none of the available parameter values will be selected at run-time.
  • Single value - the specified value will be selected at run-time. The data type must match the data type of the parameter. The specified value should match the value from the AvailableValues.ValueMember expression for one of the records in the AvailableValues.DataSource. Otherwise none of the available parameter values will be selected at run-time.
  • Multiple values - in order to have multiple values selected, you should set the Value property of the parameter to an IEnumerable instance containing the desired values. This can be achieved with the help of the Array(args) built-in function which returns an Array of the passed object instances.

Note that the parameter Value expression is evaluated against the data retrieved from the AvailableValues.DataSource . This allows you to use the result of an aggregate function as the parameter's default value e.g., =First(Fields.ProductID). This approach can also be used to specify all of the available values as default values e.g., =AllValues(Fields.ProductID).

See Also

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