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Utility Functions Overview

Access built-in utility functions

Function Parameters Description
Array(args) args (object []) Returns an array of the passed object instances.
Example: =Array("item1","item2") will return object [] {"item1", "item2"}
Item(index, collection) index (int)
collection (IEnumerable)
Returns the element of the collection with the given index (zero-based).
Example: =Item(0, Array(10,20,30)) will return 10
Example: = Item(1, Parameters.Parameter1.Value) will return the second item from the Multivalue Report Parameter named Parameter1. This will be b when the user has selected the values a, b, c, and d in the same order.
Uri(uriString, uriKind) uriString (string)
uriKind (string) optional, the default is RelativeOrAbsolute
Returns an instance of System.Uri
Example: =Uri("c:\temp\myFile.json", "absolute") will return new Uri("c:\temp\myFile.json", System.UriKind.Absolute)
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