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CsvDataSource Escape Formats

The available Escape formats for the CsvDataSource component are None, Backslash and BackslashAlternative, Quotes and QuotesMixed. Unix style programs use backslashes for escaping only the symbol followed by the backslash. Excel and other programs that follow the RFC 4180 standard use a text qualifier to embed the whole field. The text qualifier usually is single quote or double quotes, but can be other symbol as well (according to RFC 4180 only double quotes have to be used).

Escape format Description
None No symbols are escaped.
Backslash Unix style programs use backslashes for escaping both field and record separators. Backslash is escaped with a second backslash.
BackslashAlternative Some Unix style programs use backslashes for escaping field separators, but for escaping record separators can use \r\n instead of backslash. Backslash is escaped with a second backslash.
Quotes Excel uses single or double quotes to embed escaped text (in accordance to RFC 4180). Single or double quotes are escaped with second single or double quotes.
QuotesMixed Some files use a mixed escaping format - fields are embedded in quotes (Excel like), quotes (single or double) are escaped with backslash (Unix like). Backslash is escaped with a second backslash.
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