Connecting the CsvDataSource Component to a CSV Source
When you configure the CsvDataSource component the settings below are obligatory to avoid runtime error due to failed data retrieval:
- Specifies the CSV document which will be used by using the Uri class or an inline string. If set to null an exception is thrown; -
Field separators
- Configures the list of separators by which the document will be split to fields (columns) based on a delimiter; -
Record separators
- Configures the list of separators by which the document will be split to records (rows) based on a delimiter.
Optional settings for the proper functioning of the CsvDataSource you need to consider:
Has headers
- configures if the CSV source has a header row, by default is false; -
Escape format
- for more information please check CsvDataSource Escape Formats; default value is None; -
- if the Escape format is Quotes or Quotes Mixed then the Quote property must be set.
var csvDataSource = new CsvDataSource();
csvDataSource.Source = new Uri(@"C:\temp\MyCsvDocument.csv");
csvDataSource.FieldSeparators = new[] { ',' };
csvDataSource.RecordSeparators = new[] { '\r', '\n' };
csvDataSource.HasHeaders = false;
csvDataSource.EscapeFormat = CsvEscapeFormat.Quotes;
csvDataSource.Quote = '"';
Dim csvDataSource = New CsvDataSource()
csvDataSource.Source = New Uri("C:\temp\MyCsvDocument.csv")
csvDataSource.FieldSeparators = New Char() {","c}
csvDataSource.RecordSeparators = New Char() {ControlChars.Cr, ControlChars.Lf}
csvDataSource.HasHeaders = False
csvDataSource.EscapeFormat = CsvEscapeFormat.Quotes
csvDataSource.Quote = """"c
Optional setting:
csvDataSource.ConsecutiveFieldSeparatorsAsOne = false;
csvDataSource.ConsecutiveRecordSeparatorsAsOne = true;
csvDataSource.CommentToken = '#';
csvDataSource.DecimalSeparator = ".";
csvDataSource.ThousandSeparator = " ";
csvDataSource.DateTimeFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm";
csvDataSource.ConsecutiveFieldSeparatorsAsOne = False
csvDataSource.ConsecutiveRecordSeparatorsAsOne = True
csvDataSource.CommentToken = "#"c
csvDataSource.DecimalSeparator = "."
csvDataSource.ThousandSeparator = " "
csvDataSource.DateTimeFormat = "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm"