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Add Sorting to Table and Crosstab Items

To define a sorting for the Table or Crosstab items use the following steps:

Adding sorting to Table/Crosstab data item using Report Designer

  1. In the Report Designer.
  2. Click the Sorting ellipsis.
  3. For each sort expression, follow these steps:

    1. Click New.
    2. Type or select an expression by which to sort the data.
    3. From the Direction column drop-down list, choose the sort direction for each expression. ASC sorts the expression in ascending order. DESC sorts the expression in descending order.
  4. Click OK.

Adding sorting to Table/Crosstab Group (Row/Column Group) using Report Designer

  1. Open the Group Explorer.
  2. In the Report Designer, select the Table/Crosstab. This makes the selected item active in the Group Explorer.
  3. Choose a Row/Column Group and click its Sorting ellipsis.
  4. For each sort expression, follow these steps:

    1. Click New.
    2. Type or select an expression by which to sort the data.
    3. From the Direction column drop-down list, choose the sort direction for each expression. ASC sorts the expression in ascending order. DESC sorts the expression in descending order.
  5. Click OK.

Adding sorting to Table/Crosstab data item programatically

Telerik.Reporting.Sorting sorting1 = new Telerik.Reporting.Sorting();
sorting1.Expression = "=Fields.ProductID";
sorting1.Direction = Telerik.Reporting.SortDirection.Asc;

Dim sorting1 As New Telerik.Reporting.Sorting()
sorting1.Expression = "=Fields.ProductID"
sorting1.Direction = Telerik.Reporting.SortDirection.Asc


See Also

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