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A swatch is a set of variables which customizes the appearance of the theme.

  • Swatches are useful for creating multiple and persistent theme variations.
  • A theme may contain multiple swatches.
  • Each swatch is placed in a separate json configuration file.
  • The .css output file can be shared across projects and requires no further processing.

The Kendo UI theme swatches follow the <THEME_NAME>-<SWATCH_NAME> convention as shown in the example below:

  Theme name - default
  Swatch name - ocean-blue
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

  Theme name - default
  Swatch name - purple
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

  Theme name - bootstrap
  Swatch name - vintage
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

  Theme name - material
  Swatch name - nova
 <link rel="stylesheet" href="" />

Using Built-in Swatches

To use the Kendo Themes infrastructure for building and creating swatches, first setup the repository:

  1. Clone the kendo-themes GitHub repository.
  2. Install the node-gyp package.
  3. Install the dependencies for all themes with npm run setup.
  4. Run the npm run sass:swatches task from the root of the repository

    npm run sass:swatches
  5. Include one of the compiled CSS swatch files(packages/<THEME_NAME>/dist/SWATCH_NAME.css) in your project.

Creating New Swatches

To create a new swatch based on your custom preferences, setup the kendo-themes repository and then add a custom JSON file with your swatch.

  1. Create a new <THEME_NAME>-<SWATCH_NAME>.json file in the packages/<THEME_NAME>/lib/swatches folder.
  2. Customize the variables by following the schema in the existing <THEME_NAME>-main.json file. For example, to create a swatch for the Kendo UI default theme, follow the existing schema in the default-main.json swatch.
  3. Run the npm run sass:swatches task from the root of the repository.

    npm run sass:swatches
  4. Include one of the compiled CSS swatch files(packages/<THEME_NAME>/dist/SWATCH_NAME.css) in your project.

For more information about the Kendo UI Swatches, refer to the Progress Design System Swatches article.

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