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Show Text in the Center of a Donut Chart


Product Version 2018.2.620
Product Progress® Kendo UI® Chart for jQuery


How can I place and center multiple lines of text inside the center of a Kendo UI Donut Chart?


Make a custom drawing on top of the Donut Chart and show the multi-line text and other content in its center.

  1. Use the series.visual function to store the position and size of the Donut Chart center.

    // global variables
    var center,
    series: [{
        type: "donut",
        field: "share",
        categoryField: "kind",
        visual: function(e){
            // Obtain parameters for the segments
            center =;
            radius = e.innerRadius;
            // Create default visual
            return e.createVisual();
  2. In the render event of the Chart, draw your custom content on top of the Chart by using the Kendo UI Drawing library.

            render: function(e){
              var circleGeometry = new kendo.geometry.Circle(center, radius);
              var bbox = circleGeometry.bbox();
              // Render the text
              var heading = new kendo.drawing.Text('45.2%', [0, 0], {
                font: '22px Verdana,Arial,sans-serif'
              var line1 = new kendo.drawing.Text('of which', [0, 0], {
                font: '12px Verdana,Arial,sans-serif'
              var line2 = new kendo.drawing.Text('renewables', [0, 0], {
                font: '14px Verdana,Arial,sans-serif',
                fill: {
                  color: 'green'
              // Reflow the text in the bounding box
              var layout = new kendo.drawing.Layout(bbox, {
                alignContent: 'center',
                alignItems: 'center',
                justifyContent: 'center',
                spacing: 5
              layout.append(heading, line1, line2);
              // Draw it on the Chart drawing surface

The following example demonstrates how to render three differently styled lines of text in the center of the Donut Chart.

Open In Dojo
    <div id="chart"></div>
      function createChart() {
        var center,

          title: {
            text: "What is you favourite sport?"
          legend: {
            position: "top"
          dataSource: {
            data: [{
              kind: 'Hydroelectric', share: 0.175
            }, {
              kind: 'Nuclear', share: 0.238
            }, {
              kind: 'Coal', share: 0.118
            }, {
              kind: 'Solar', share: 0.052
            }, {
              kind: 'Wind', share: 0.225
            }, {
              kind: 'Other', share: 0.192
          seriesDefaults: {
            labels: {
              template: "#= category # - #= kendo.format('{0:P}', percentage)#",
              position: "outsideEnd",
              visible: true,
              background: "transparent"
          series: [{
            type: "donut",
            field: "share",
            categoryField: "kind",
            visual: function(e){
              // Obtain parameters for the segments
              center =;
              radius = e.innerRadius;

              // Create default visual
              return e.createVisual();
          tooltip: {
            visible: true,
            template: "#= category # - #= kendo.format('{0:P}', percentage) #"
          render: function(e){
            var circleGeometry = new kendo.geometry.Circle(center, radius);
            var bbox = circleGeometry.bbox();

            // Render the text
            var heading = new kendo.drawing.Text('45.2%', [0, 0], {
              font: '22px Verdana,Arial,sans-serif'

            var line1 = new kendo.drawing.Text('of which', [0, 0], {
              font: '12px Verdana,Arial,sans-serif'

            var line2 = new kendo.drawing.Text('renewables', [0, 0], {
              font: '14px Verdana,Arial,sans-serif',
              fill: {
                color: 'green'

            // Reflow the text in the bounding box
            var layout = new kendo.drawing.Layout(bbox, {
              alignContent: 'center',
              alignItems: 'center',
              justifyContent: 'center',
              spacing: 5

            layout.append(heading, line1, line2);

            // Draw it on the Chart drawing surface

      $(document).ready(function() {