Ajax Binding

Getting Started

When configured for Ajax binding, the Kendo UI DropDownList for JSP makes an Ajax request to bind the widget.


To configure the Kendo UI DropDownList for Ajax binding, follow the steps below (using the Spring MVC framework).

Step 1 Add a new action method which will return data to populate the DropDownList.

    private ProductDao product;

    @RequestMapping(value = "/remote-data/read", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public @ResponseBody List<?> DataSourceResult read() {


Step 2 Return the result as JSON.

    @RequestMapping(value = "/remote-data/read", method = RequestMethod.POST)
    public @ResponseBody List<?> DataSourceResult read() {

        return product.getList();

Step 3 In the view, configure the DropDownList to use the action method created in the previous steps.

    <c:url value="/web/dropdownlist/remote-data/read" var="readUrl" />

    <kendo:dropdownlist name="productDropDownList" dataTextField="productName" dataValueField="productId">
               <kendo:dataSource-transport-read url="${readUrl}" type="POST" contentType="application/json"/>

See Also

In this article