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By default, the ListBox has its single selection mode enabled.

To configure the widget into its multiple selection mode, add selectable: "multiple" to its settings. When selected, multiple selected items move together, that is, the selected items are transferred to another Kendo UI ListBox together or reordered as a set among other items.

You can enable the reordering of the selected items by using any of the following approaches:

  • The moveUp and moveDown command buttons of the toolbar.
  • The drag-and-drop functionality if the widget is draggable.
  • The Ctrl+Shift+ or Ctrl+Shift+ keyboard combination.

The ListBox does not support dragging and dropping for multiple selected items.

    <select id="listbox"></select>
            selectable: "multiple",
            dataSource: [
                { name: "John", id: 1 },
                { name: "Jane", id: 2 },
                { name: "Jim", id: 3 },
                { name: "Tim", id: 4 },
                { name: "Mary", id: 5 }
            dataTextField: "name",
            dataValueField: "id",
            toolbar: {
              tools: [ "moveUp", "moveDown", "remove" ]

See Also

In this article