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Row Templates

The Kendo UI Grid supports row templates which enable you to place custom content into a Grid row.

For runnable examples, refer to:

If you initialize the Grid from a <div> element, you can format any cell within the Grid by using templates within a script tag or within the template option on the column object.

The following example demonstrates how to use a template for formatting the email address as a hyperlink through a template declared in a script block.

<script id="template" type="text/x-kendo-tmpl">
            #= firstName #
            #= lastName #
            <a href="mailto:#= email #">#= email #</a>

The following example demonstrates how to specify the previous approach as a template for each row by passing it in to the rowTemplate option and by initializing it with the kendo.template function. As a result, the email address is an interactive hyperlink which opens a new email message when the user clicks it.

    rowTemplate: kendo.template($("#template").html()),
   // Other configuration.

Figure 1: A Grid with an applied row template

Kendo UI for jQuery Grid with row template

Using Row Templates with Detail Templates

A few requirements need to be met when the rowTemplate is used alongside a detailTemplate.

  1. The <tr> element of the rowTemplate needs to have a class k-master-row.
  2. The first <td> element of the rowTemplate needs to have a class k-hierarchy-cell.
  3. The element with class k-hierarchy-cell needs to contain an a element which will expand the row.

Define the rowTemplate as an external template.

Open In Dojo
    <script id="template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
        <tr class="k-master-row" data-uid="#= uid #">
                <td class="k-hierarchy-cell">
                #=kendo.ui.icon($('<a href="\#" aria-label="Expand"></a>'), { icon: "caret-alt-right" })#
                <strong>#: name #</strong>
                <strong>#: age #</strong>

    <script id="detail-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
        Name: #: name #
        Age: #: age #
    <div id="grid"></div>
      columns: [
        { field: "name" },
        { field: "age" }
      dataSource: [
        { name: "Jane Doe", age: 30 },
        { name: "John Doe", age: 33 }
      detailTemplate: kendo.template($("#detail-template").html()),
      rowTemplate: kendo.template($("#template").html())

Define the rowTemplate as a function.

Open In Dojo
    <script id="detail-template" type="text/x-kendo-template">
        Name: #: name #
        Age: #: age #
    <div id="grid"></div>
        columns: [
          { field: "name" },
          { field: "age" }
        dataSource: [
          { name: "Jane Doe", age: 30 },
          { name: "John Doe", age: 33 }
        detailTemplate: kendo.template($("#detail-template").html()),
        rowTemplate: rowTemplate

      function rowTemplate(data) {
        return '<tr class="k-master-row" data-uid="' + data.uid + '"><td class="k-hierarchy-cell">'+kendo.ui.icon($('<a href="#" aria-label="Expand"></a>'), { icon: "caret-alt-right" })+'</td><td><strong>' + + '</strong></td><td><strong>' + data.age + '</strong></td></tr>';

KB Articles on Row Templates