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Getting Started with the FX

This guide demonstrates how to get up and running with the Kendo UI for jQuery FX.

After the completion of this guide, you will be able to achieve the following end result:

<div id="foo">
    I will be faded out and zoomed out.

    var effectWrapper = kendo.fx($("#foo"));
    var fadeOutEffect = effectWrapper.fadeOut();

1. Create the FX instance

To create the FX instances, use the jQuery kendo.fx selector wrapper.

<div id="foo">
    I will be animated

    var effectWrapper = kendo.fx($("#foo"));

Once the basic initialization is completed, you can start applying effects to the FX.

2. Apply Effects

In this step, you will apply the fadeOut and the zoomOut effects.

<div id="foo">
    I will be animated

    var effectWrapper = kendo.fx($("#foo"));
    var fadeOutEffect = effectWrapper.fadeOut(); // Apply fade out effect.
    fadeOutEffect.add(effectWrapper.zoomOut()); // Apply zoom out effect.

See the FX API reference for more available effects.

3. Play Effects

In this step, you will play the effects.

<div id="foo">
    I will be faded out and zoomed out.

    var effectWrapper = kendo.fx($("#foo"));
    var fadeOutEffect = effectWrapper.fadeOut();
    fadeOutEffect.add(effectWrapper.zoomOut());; // Play the effects.

Next Steps

See Also

In this article