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The DatePicker provides options for using and customizing its templates.

To customize the cell template in the Month view, use the month.content property. The calendar of the DatePicker loops over each cell and sets its HTML by using the month content template. You can implement a dynamic template by using the dates option which is passed as an argument to the month.content template. For the complete example, refer to the demo on customizing the templates of the DatePicker.

To modify the footer template of the DatePicker calendar, use the footerTemplate property. To remove the footer, set it to footerTemplate:false.

To modify the week column template, use the month.weekNumber property.

The dates which are out of the min and max range are rendered as empty. To change their template, use the month.empty option.

For more information on customizing the aria-label text, refer to the article on accessibility.

See Also

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