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Encoding (symbology) represents the mapping between messages and barcodes.

The symbology specification includes the encoding of the individual digits or characters of the message, the start and stop markers in the bars and the space, the size of the quiet zone before and after the Barcode, and the computation of a checksum.

The following table lists the available symbologies and their specifications supported by the Barcode.

If the value of a particular encoding does not meet the expected length or character set, it will throw an error.

Symbology Character set Length Check digits
Code 39 (default) [A-Z]; [0-9]; [ - . $ / + % ] variable (avg. up to 20 chars) optional (Mod. 43)
Code39Extended ASCII (128 characters) variable optional (Mod. 43)
Code 93 [0-9];[A-Z];[SPACE . + - / % $] variable 2 check digits
Code93Extended ASCII(128 characters) variable 2 check digits
EAN-13 numeric [0..9] 12 usable digits 1 check digit
EAN-8 numeric [0..9] 7 usable digits 1 check digit
UPC-A numeric [0..9] 11 usable digits (first is always 0) 1 check digit
UPC-E numeric [0..9] 6 usable digits (first is always 0) 1 check digit
POSTNET numeric [0..9] variable 1 check digit
Code 11 [0-9]; [-] variable 1 or 2 based on length
Code128 LATIN-1 (ISO-8859-1) variable 1 check digit
Code128A ASCII 00 to 95 (0-9, A-Z and control codes), special characters variable 1 check digit
Code128B ASCII 32 to 127 (0-9, A-Z, a-z), special characters variable 1 check digit
Code128C ASCII 00-99 (encodes each two digits with one code) variable 1 check digit
GS1-128 depending on Application Identifier variable 1 check digit
MSImod10 numeric [0..9] variable 1 check digit
MSImod11 numeric [0..9] variable 1 check digit
MSImod1010 numeric [0..9] variable 1 check digit
MSImod1110 numeric [0..9] variable 1 check digit