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The Avatar allows you to set different styles based on its content.

For a live example, visit the Appearance Demo of the Avatar.

Rounding and Type

The available types are:

  • Image—By passing an img element as child element of the Avatar.
  • Text avatar (Default)—By passing a string that will be rendered as text (initials).
  • Icon avatar—By passing an icon to the Avatar component.

All of the types can be rendered in a different shape by setting the rounded property.

The available rounded values are:

  • "full" (default)—Renders a circle shape avatar.
  • "small"—Renders an avatar with small border radius.
  • "medium"—Renders an avatar with medium border radius.
  • "large"—Renders an avatar with large border radius.
  • "none"—Renders an avatar with no border radius (square avatar).

The following example demonstrates the type and rounded options of the Avatar:

    <div id="avatar"></div>

                rounded: null,
                type: 'text',
                text: "IMG"

Theme Color

The Avatar allows you to specify predefined theme colors.

The available themeColor values are:

  • "primary" (Default)—Applies coloring based on the primary theme color.
  • "base"-Applies base theme color.
  • "secondary"—Applies coloring based on the secondary theme color.
  • "tertiary"—Applies coloring based on the tertiary theme color.
  • "inherit"—Applies the inherited coloring value.
  • "info"—Applies coloring based on the info theme color.
  • "success"—Applies coloring based on the success theme color.
  • "warning"—Applies coloring based on the warning theme color.
  • "error"—Applies coloring based on the error theme color.
  • "dark"—Applies coloring based on the dark theme color.
  • "light"—Applies coloring based on the light theme color.
  • "inverse"—Applies coloring based on the inverted theme color.
  • "none"-will apply no theme color class.
    <div id="avatar"></div>

                themeColor: 'success'


The Avatar allows you to set predefined or custom sizes. To specify a predefined size, set the size property.

The available size values are:

  • "small"
  • "medium" (Default)
  • "large"
  • "none"

To specify a custom avatar size, use the style property.

    <p>Avatar Predefined Sizes</p>
    <div id="avatar"></div>

                size: 'large'


The Avatar enables you to set styling options and create solid or outline avatars by setting the fillMode property.

The available fillMode values are:

  • "solid" (Default)
  • "outline"
  • "none"

An additional border around the content of an outline avatar can be rendered by setting the border property to true.

    <div id="avatar"></div>

                fillMode: 'outline'


The Avatar allows you to specify whether or not to render an additional border around its content by using the border property. By default, the border is set to false.

    <div id="avatar"></div>

                border: true

See Also

In this article