animation Boolean|Object
A collection of visual animations used when items are expanded or collapsed through user interaction. Setting this option to false will disable all animations.
is not a valid configuration.
Example - disable animation of subnodes
<div id="treeview"></div>
animation: false,
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" }
] }
animation.collapse Boolean|Object
The animation that will be used when collapsing items.
Example - disable the collapse animation
<div id="treeview"></div>
animation: {
collapse: false
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" }
] }
animation.collapse.duration Number
(default: 200)
The number of milliseconds used for the animation when a node is expanded.
Example - specify a collapse animation duration
<div id="treeview"></div>
animation: {
collapse: {
duration: 400
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" }
] }
animation.collapse.effects String
A whitespace-delimited string of animation effects that are used when collapsing nodes. The supported effects are fadeOut and collapseVertical.
Example - make sub-levels fade out and collapse vertically
<div id="treeview"></div>
animation: {
collapse: {
effects: "fadeOut collapseVertical"
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" }
] }
animation.expand Boolean|Object
The animation that will be used when expanding items.
Example - disable expand animation
<div id="treeview"></div>
animation: {
expand: false
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" }
] }
animation.expand.duration Number
(default: 200)
The number of milliseconds used for the animation when a node is expanded.
Example - specify a slow expand animation
<div id="treeview"></div>
animation: {
expand: {
duration: 600
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" }
] }
animation.expand.effects String
(default: "expandVertical")
A whitespace-delimited string of animation effects that are used when expanding nodes. The supported effects are "expandVertical" and "fadeIn".
Example - make sub-levels fade in and expand vertically
<div id="treeview"></div>
animation: {
expand: {
effects: "fadeIn expandVertical"
dataSource: [
{ text: "foo", items: [
{ text: "bar" }
] }