
Gets or sets the model to which the PropertyGrid is bound to.


model Object

The object to which the PropertyGrid will bind to.

items Array

An array of configuration options for the fields of the passed object. Refer to the items configuration option for further details.


model—The current state of the object to which the PropertyGrid is bound.

Example - get the model to which the PropertyGrid is bound

<div id="propertyGrid"></div>
    model: {
        foo: "bar",
        baz: 5
    width: 500

var component = $("#propertyGrid").data("kendoPropertyGrid");

Example - set the model to which the PropertyGrid is bound

<div id="propertyGrid"></div>
    model: {
        foo: "bar",
        baz: 5
    width: 500

var component = $("#propertyGrid").data("kendoPropertyGrid");
        title: "A Title",
        author: "John Doe",
        price: 15
        {field: "price", format: "{0:C}" }
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