
Fires when the user resizes a column via the Resize contextMenu command. The event handler function context (available through the this keyword) will be set to the component instance.

Event Data

e.column Object

A JavaScript object which represents the column configuration.

e.newWidth Number

The new column width.

e.oldWidth Number

The previous column width.

e.sender kendo.ui.PropertyGrid

The component instance which fired the event.

Example - subscribing to the columnResize event during initialization

<div id="propertyGrid"></div>

    model: {
        details: {
            title: "Title",
            price: 15
        foo: "bar",
        baz: 5
    width: 500,
    columnResize: function(e) {
        /* The result can be observed in the DevTools(F12) console of the browser. */
        console.log(e.column[0].field, e.newWidth, e.oldWidth);
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