
    Gets or sets the selected ListBox items.


    items jQuery|Array

    The items that are to be selected.


    jQuery - The selected items if called without arguments.

    Example - select the first element in the listbox

    Open In Dojo
    <select id="listBox"></select>
        dataSource: {
            data: [
                { id: 1, name: "Jane Doe", age: 47 },
                { id: 2, name: "John Doe", age: 50 }
        template: "<div>#:name#</div>"
    // get a reference to the list box widget
    var listBox = $("#listBox").data("kendoListBox");
    // selects first list box item;

    Example - select an element by its name property

    Open In Dojo
    <select id="listBox"></select>
        dataSource: {
            data: [
                { id: 1, name: "Jane Doe", age: 47 },
                { id: 2, name: "John Doe", age: 50 }
        template: "<div>#:name#</div>"
    // get a reference to the list box widget
    var listBox = $("#listBox").data("kendoListBox");
    // Find the uid of the element by name.
    let uid = listBox.dataItems().filter(f => == "Jane Doe")[0].uid;
    // Find the element using the uid.
    let item = listBox.wrapper.find("[data-uid='"+uid+"']");
    // Select the element.;
    In this article