draggable Boolean|Object (default: false)

Indicates whether the ListBox items can be dragged and dropped.

  • The draggable option allows you to drag and drop items within a single or across multiple ListBoxes. If your project requires the multiple-widget scenario, set the dropSources option on the target widgets. If your project requires the single-widget scenario, the dropSources option is not necessary.
  • If you set the draggable option to true, you also have to set selectable.

draggable.enabled Boolean (default: true)

Indicates whether dragging is enabled.

Example - ListBox with disabled dragging

<select id="listBoxA">
<select id="listBoxB">

        draggable: true

        dropSources: [ "listBoxA" ],
        draggable: {
            enabled: false,
            placeholder: function(element) {
                return element.clone().css({
                    "opacity": 0.3,
                    "border": "1px dashed #000000"

draggable.hint Function|String|jQuery

Provides an option to customize the draggable item hint. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a hint is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item and uses it as a hint.

To avoid styling issues, note that the hint element is appended to the <body> tag.

Example - ListBox with custom hint

<select id="listBox"></select>
    draggable: {
        hint: function(element) {
            return $("<span></span>")
                .css("color", "#FF0000");
    dataSource: [
        { name: "Item 1", id: 1 },
        { name: "Item 2", id: 2 }
    dataTextField: "name",
    dataValueField: "id"

draggable.placeholder Function|String|jQuery

Provides an option to customize the item placeholder of the ListBox. If a function is supplied, it receives a single argument - the jQuery object of the draggable element. If a placeholder is not provided, the ListBox clones the dragged item, removes its id attribute, sets its visibility to hidden, and uses it as a placeholder.

The placeholder element is appended to the container of the ListBox.

Example - ListBox with custom placeholder

<select id="listBox"></select>
    draggable: {
        placeholder: function(element) {
            return element.clone().css({
                "opacity": 0.3,
                "border": "1px dashed #000000"
    dataSource: [
        { name: "Item 1", id: 1 },
        { name: "Item 2", id: 2 }
    dataTextField: "name",
    dataValueField: "id"
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