messages Object

Defines the text of the localizable UI parts of the FileManager.


<div id="imageEditor"></div>
        messages: {
            toolbar: {
                open: "Open Image",
                save: "Save Image",
                undo: "Undo",
                redo: "Redo",
                crop: "Crop",
                resize: "Resize",
                zoomIn: "Zoom In",
                zoomOut: "Zoom Out",
                zoomDropdown: "Zoom options",
                zoomActualSize: "Show actual size",
                zoomFitToScreen: "Fit to screen"
            panes: {
                crop: {
                    title: "Crop Image",
                    aspectRatio: "Aspect Ratio:",
                    aspectRatioItems: {
                        "originalRatio": "Original ratio",
                        "1:1": "1:1 (Square)",
                        "4:5": "4:5 (8:10)",
                        "5:7": "5:7",
                        "2:3": "2:3 (4:6)",
                        "16:9": "16:9"
                    orientation: "Orientation:",
                    portrait: "Portrait",
                    landscape: "Landscape"
                resize: {
                    title: "Resize image",
                    pixels: "Pixels",
                    percents: "Percents"
            common: {
                width: "Width:",
                height: "Height:",
                cancel: "Cancel",
                confirm: "Confirm",
                lockAspectRatio: "Lock aspect ratio"
In this article