cascadeFromField String

Defines the field to be used to filter the data source. If not defined the parent's dataValueField option will be used. Help topic showing how cascading functionality works


<input id="parent" />
<input id="child" />
    dataTextField: "name",
    dataValueField: "id",
    dataSource: [
        { name: "Parent1", id: 1 },
        { name: "Parent2", id: 2 }

    cascadeFrom: "parent",
    cascadeFromField: "parentId",
    dataTextField: "name",
    dataValueField: "id",
    dataSource: [
        { name: "Child1", id: 1, parentId: 1 },
        { name: "Child2", id: 2, parentId: 2 },
        { name: "Child3", id: 3, parentId: 1 },
        { name: "Child4", id: 4, parentId: 2 }
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