Toggles the visibility of a pane.
<div style="height:500px; width:1000px">
<div id="dockmanager"></div>
var dockmanager = $("#dockmanager").kendoDockManager({
rootPane: {
type: "split",
panes: [{
type: "content",
header: "Pane 1",
content: "Pane content"
type: "content",
id: "hiddenPaneId",
header: "Pane 2",
content: "Hidden Pane",
visible: false
}, {
type: "content",
header: "Pane 3",
content: "Other content"
}, {
type: "content",
title: "Unpinned",
content: "Some unpinned content",
unpinnable: {
unpinned: true
dockmanager.togglePane("hiddenPaneId") //Toggles the visibility of the pane with id "hiddenPaneId".
id String
The id
assigned as a configuration option of the pane.