palette String|Array (default: null)

When a non-null palette argument is supplied, the drop-down will be a simple color picker that lists the colors. The following are supported:

  • "basic" -- displays 20 basic colors
  • "websafe" -- display the "web-safe" color palette
  • otherwise, pass a string with colors in HEX representation separated with commas, or an array of colors, and it will display that palette instead. If you pass an array it can contain strings supported by parseColor or Color objects.

Example - use "websafe" palette

<input id="colorpicker" type="color" />
  palette: "websafe"

Example - use list of colors

<input id="colorpicker" type="color" />
  palette: [ "#000", "#333", "#666", "#999", "#ccc", "#fff" ],
  columns: 6
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