Renders an attachment inside the Chat. The attachments are rendered through a predefined or custom template that is registered with the Chat.
options Object
The configuration options for the attachment.
options.attachments Object
An array of attachment
options.attachments.content Object
The attachment
properties that are passed to the template which will be rendered inside the Chat bubble.
options.attachments.contentType String
The attachment
type. Used to determine which template is used when rendering the attachment inside the Chat.
options.attachmentLayout String
The layout that will be applied for rendering the attachments.
The supported values are:
sender Object
The configuration object which contains information about the sender of the message bubble. Determines where the message will be rendered. Object
The unique identifier which is used to distinguish between different users in the Chat. String
The string which represents the name of the sender and which is rendered before the message bubble.
sender.iconUrl String
The URL that is used to show the sender avatar.
Example - rendering an attachment
<div id="chat"></div>
var chat = $("#chat").data("kendoChat");
attachments: [{
contentType: "heroCard",
content: {
title: "Attachment Title",
subtitle: "Attachment Subtitle",
text: "Sample text"
attachmentLayout: "carousel"
}, chat.getUser());