
Fired when the widget is bound to data from its data source.

Event Data

e.sender kendo.ui.ChartWizard

The widget instance. kendo.ui.Chart

The data to which the ChartWizard is bound.

Example - subscribing to the dataBound event during initialization

Open In Dojo
<div id="chartwizard"></div>
            dataSource: [
                { field: 'Product Name', value: 'Calzone' },
                { field: 'Quantity', value: 1 },
                { field: 'Price', value: 12.39 },
                { field: 'Tax', value: 2.48 },
                { field: 'Total', value: 14.87 }
            window: {
                visible: true
            dataBound: function (e) {

Example - subscribing to the dataBound event after initialization

Open In Dojo
<div id="chartwizard"></div>
    function chartwizard_dataBound(e) {
                dataSource: [
                    { field: 'Product Name', value: 'Calzone' },
                    { field: 'Quantity', value: 1 },
                    { field: 'Price', value: 12.39 },
                    { field: 'Tax', value: 2.48 },
                    { field: 'Total', value: 14.87 }
                window: {
                    visible: true
    var chartwizard = $("#chartwizard").data("kendoChartWizard");
    chartwizard.bind("dataBound", chartwizard_dataBound);
In this article