state Object

Specifies the state of the ChartWizard component. If a state object is provided, the ChartWizard will neglect the dataSource and the creation of an initial state and will use this state instance instead.

In order to work as expected, the CharWizard requires the state object to have defined data and series fields.

Example - configure the initial state of the ChartWizard

Open In Dojo
<div id="chartwizard"></div>
        window: {
                visible: true
            state: {
                columns: [
                    "Product Name",
                data: [
                            field: "Product Name",
                            value: "Calzone"
                            field: "Quantity",
                            value: 1
                            field: "Price",
                            value: 12.39
                            field: "Tax",
                            value: 2.48
                            field: "Total",
                            value: 14.87
                            field: "Product Name",
                            value: "Neapolitana"
                            field: "Quantity",
                            value: 2
                            field: "Price",
                            value: 7.39
                            field: "Tax",
                            value: 1.23
                            field: "Total",
                            value: 8.62
                series: [
                        name: "Quantity",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 0
                        name: "Price",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 1
                        name: "Tax",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 2
                        name: "Total",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 3
                initialSeries: [
                        name: "Quantity",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 0
                        name: "Price",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 1
                        name: "Tax",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 2
                        name: "Total",
                        type: "bar",
                        data: [
                        stack: false,
                        labels: {
                            visible: false
                        id: 3
                categoryAxis: [
                        categories: [
                        labels: {
                            visible: true,
                            rotation: "auto"
                valueAxis: [
                        labels: {
                            visible: true,
                            rotation: "auto"
                area: {
                    margin: {}
                title: {
                    text: ""
                subtitle: {
                    text: ""
                stack: false,
                seriesType: "bar",
                legend: {
                    visible: true,
                    position: "bottom"
                categoryField: "Product Name",
                chartArea: {
                    margin: {}
In this article